I have been shopping there for years and must have spent a few thousand bucks on all sorts of products. I go there because it is in my neighborhood. The prices are a bit high but the convenience makes it worth it. My only criticism is the lack of customer service. Now, don't get me wrong. These ladies seem pleasant enough but never, not even once have I been treated like a valuable customer. They are a bit indifferent and not as friendly as I have seen them with others. For example, if I ask where a certain item is to be found they will point and say something like "it is down there". Not even a C level of customer service if you ask me. The turning point was being charged the bogus Toronto bag tax of 5 cents for a tiny used bag. As everyone knows this is a false tax where the vendor pockets the money. Which is why it will be repealed later this year. This particular day I had spent about $200.00 and they still insisted on charging me the 5 cents. Even though I asked them if they could forgo the charge. For me it would have been a sign of respect and appreciation. Well that will certainly not happen there, at least not any time soon. Frankly I go there because when I am in Toronto it is the only place close enough to get to with out using my car and that is it.