I really don't mind paying for services rendered, when they are fair. However, sometimes Town Center seems to be over indulgent in their need to make money.
Here is my experience;
Two week ago, I took my dog for teeth cleaning. Dr Erich required blood work since Molly will be 7 years old in February 2014. OK, I agreed. Dr Erich promised to call if her blood work showed anything suspicious. She had her teeth cleaned, blood work, and one vaccination that totaled $226.00. Everything went fine. No reports...
Today, I called to get a health certificate for Molly to travel. I was told my Juanita that Molly would have to have an exam. I did not even ask how much it would be. Simply asked for her vaccination record and blood work report.
To me, the need for the exam is overkill since Molly was in two weeks ago and was checked out by Dr Erich and staff before being put to sleep.
Sometimes, businesses are too focused on making money and not focused on their customers.