I love, love, love this show. This coming from a part time Beatles fan. Meaning their music is awesome, but I don't know every song by heart and a techno cd is always chosen before one of there's. BUT this show was so amazing I don't really care what music you put in the background!
The choreography was amazing and there was always 500 things to look at which is good if you also suffer from mild ADD like I do or your under the age of 10. The music goes perfectly of course and the costuming is elaborate. If your looking for a musical or a show about something, I wouldn't recommend this show. But if your looking to watch talented people and let them blow your mind with their talents, then head on down to Mirage and get yourself some tickets!
If your going spur of the moment like I did you can sometimes get good deals at the half price ticket offices. Not always half price but a discount is nice when tickets run $100+.