WHAT HAVE I JUST EATEN?! Jessie Rae's is hands down phenomenal. It's no wonder they've won people's choice 2 years In a row. We ordered the Belt Buckle and The Duke. The belt buckle had fries underneath that savory meat, and the Duke had Mac and cheese.
We preordered before coming, but when my boyfriend came to pick up they said the computer glitches and order didn't go through. It was a bummer BUT the guy at the register was so nice, he threw in an EXTRA order of food (another Duke), gave us a discount, and gave us a crap ton more God sauce. Wait, hold on...before I go on...that God sauce man. It was AMAZING. Basically liquid gold in my mouth. Ok, moving on. We thought it was great of him to really cater to us and make
up for the mistake. Thanks so much guys!