Food was good (greek pizza voodoo chicken salad) and the interior was nice -- the rest of our visit was nowhere near what I expected based on other reviews. Maybe it was an off day or something but the tip of the iceberg was walking in on a chalboard that said, "Order a pear cider!" and, after ordering a pear cider, getting a somewhat surprised look and being informed that there was no pear cider. However, all appeared to be well when, after a quick check behind the bar, the staff member suggested a nice pineapple cider. Sure thing! I don't know why it was on the chalkboard then but, whatever, I thought.
But then what arrives at my table after we were seated but a warm pear cider in a pint glass. Seriously, it was flat and had obviously been poured from a bottle that couldn't have gone in the refrigerator five minutes ago. It was the impression that I couldn't shake the rest of our meal (a warm pineapple cider can only improve a salad and pizza so much), though both the pizza and salad were good.
I really expected more from this place. Maybe I need to give them a shot when it's cold and just go with some coffee. It had to be an anomaly that service was that so poor that day.