Made appointment for couples massage and oxygen bar.
I had Amma and gf had Alba.
Requested relaxing and soothing massages.
Thearpists went above and beyond request. There as alot of pulling, stretching, twisting. Realignment of joints. Completed with relaxing finish.
They did not have oxygen bar set up. Disappointed by that. But once we saw backroom where it was set up we're glad we passed. It is a big storeage room full of crap. They do foot therapy there. Carpet gross. Oxygen bar NOT CLEAN. Amma said had not used in months. Not enough usage.
This was a downer of visit.
Also, Amma took 2 phone calls during my session. THAT IS MY PET PEEVE WITH THEARPISTS.
Expect them to focus during the session. Don't be answering phone or front door.
Back room needs to be cleaned up.
Appearance a downer.