Had a Saturday morning tee time on 6/27/15 @ 6:32am. My friend and I arrived at 6:15am, paid for our round and headed to the first tee. There was not a soul in site. What is the natural thing to do on a course? TEE OFF. The course was wide open and there were only two of us. Once we get to the 2nd hole and are about to tee off the "Starter" comes flying over and tells us we need to go to hole 10. Why on earth do we need to do that when we're a twosome and there's nobody ahead of us? Use some common sense. So we argue with him then go all the way back to the 10th tee where he says we need to pair up with another twosome that's going off at 6:32am. Well 6:32am rolls around and this other twosome is nowhere to be found, so what's the natural thing to do while golfing? TEE OFF. We played the back 9 quickly and everything went great. Now we get back the first hole (which we already played) and the starter yells at us for not waiting for the other twosome on hole 10. Really??!?! It's our fault your other twosome was late? Not only was he rude, but there were 4 foursomes waiting to tee off on the 1st hole and he wouldn't let us play through! We're already on the course playing our round and you're making us wait for 4 foursomes???? We left immediately. Complained to the Pro in the clubhouse and he couldn't have cared less. I will never play here again.