| - Could not rate any lower, otherwise I would. This Law Firm has the worst staff, the worst manner of professionalism and the worst communication skills considering they're a law firm. Don't know how they've stayed in business, as professionals, you should act as such. When a business is in the field of providing a service to a customer, you would hope that they would treat them as a valued customer, not only does the way a customer get treated reflect on their business, but it is poor judgment on their part, considering they will never get referrals from anyone else. Not only have they exercised lack of professionalism, but also lack of knowledge. I've worked in the field with one of the highest rated Attorneys in the Nation and this Law Firm is way far inferior than any of the worst I've seen. When dealing with Medicare beneficiares they should do their homework, instead of me having to call to find out what is happening and last minute the office still can't figure things out with regards to settlement amounts. By far the worst, most unprofessional bunch of "people".
5 months and still no return phone calls to "your client". Since this last post.
Here it is July 2016. I lost count of the years this case has been ongoing and still nothing