Union barrelhouse could be awesome if their staff and kitchen were consistent. As it stands I've been there five times and the service is either mediocre to bad, or flat out amazing. Last week bartender was awesome. Today unfortunately not so much. The sleeve tattooed bartender was more concerned with her boyfriend than the guests at the bar. Kiss him on your own time please, I'm trying to eat. Only having tried the food twice I have to say I was impressed with the first burger, and disappointed with my second. $15 is WAY TOO EXPENSIVE to pay for a dry bun, and an over cooked, dried out burger. The fries were just thrown on the plate, presentation was horrible. Come on UB, at $15 a burger you have to at least try to dress it up a bit, give me a thrill. For crying out loud Zipps has better burgers and presentation and they are only $8.49!!! UB could be great but until they fix the inconsistencies they will just be mediocre. Never again will I pay gourmet prices for a burger that could be trumped by Jack in the Box.