Dr. Di Nucci, With gratitude, I give you 5 stars for stopping my toe infection. Thank you very much again. Sadly though, because of the last appointment, I give 0 stars for NOT respecting my privacy in the exam room as a patient. You seemed to not think it was a big deal to allow another of your students into the exam room during the exam (our visit had ALREADY started when your student suddenly opened the door and you welcomed him in without checking with me. I no longer felt comfortable to continue talking about something sensitive for me. I felt unsafe. It ruined the appointment).
I also give 0 stars for your seeming to be fixated on the fake news that my issue was about your policy to have students in the exam room. Not true. My issue was never about and isn't about your having people important to you in the room. My issue was simply and only about your allowing others in the exam room WITHOUT checking with me first - like "hello, I'm your patient and you don't forget about taking care of me".
I also give 0 stars because your nurse told me a few times you said that if I didn't like your policy of having others in the room then I should go find another doctor (ouch). AND 0 stars for apparently being too busy to stop and reconnect to resolve all this. I believed and still believe a short visit where we'd communicate together could have resolved all of this.
Prospective Patients: IF anything above is important to you too, you may want to check to see how important your needs are to the doctor. I didn't know this before but now I do (my lesson).
"Dr. Di Nucci, it's kind and wonderful to serve as a teaching doctor. And, if you were to find a way to keep your patients' privacy needs #1 too, your patients' needs would be met too".