| - This take-out Indian place has become one of my go-to lunch spots. It's fast enough that I can easily grab lunch and either eat it outside or at my desk without it becoming lunch hour-and-a-half.
The menu rotates, but it seems that chicken tikka masala is always available for those who are spice averse. Today, they had fish curry, aloo channa, dal tarka, chicken biryani, malai veggies,and coconut chicken. If they have rice pilaf available that day instead of just rice, pay the extra quarter and get it. If you are unsure whether you will like a dish, ask for a taste before you order it. They are happy to accommodate.
Chai is sporadically available and my coworkers swear by it, though I find it too sweet. Occasionally, they will have a dessert available - get it! I have seen some seemingly strange combinations of foods in their desserts that I thought would absolutely not work flavor-wise and they turned out to be surprisingly delicious!