We've come to Ocean Floor at least a few times to add to our growing tank and to being our friends who've become interested in having aquariums too. It's quite addicting and I really like that Ocean Floor always have a lively and vibrant variety. This weekend they had a sale on all of their fresh water fish, buy one get the second for a penny. We definitely took advantage of it because we got a new 29 gallon tank over the weekend. While one of the guys were catching the fish we wanted, I asked him some questions about why our fish in one of our tanks kept dying and he informed us because those fish are very sensitive to their water environment and advised us how we could fix it and even offered to test our water for us the next time we think about getting those fish to make sure it would be safe. We've never owned saltwater fish but this place also has a huge variety of household saltwater pets. I definitely would and do recommend this to anyone interested in having an aquarium.