| - Bad Daddy's food is very good but service and attitude can be a little spotty at this location.
Specifically, Bad Daddy's is a poor choice for group get togethers. Last month, a group of 10 of us had reserved a table right at 5PM for a post-work get together. The restaurant was nearly empty when 6 of us showed up - 2 folks had a firedrill come up at the office they were tending to and the other 2 had gotten lost on the way to the restaurant. The hostess refused to seat us until everyone else arrived, which we found ridiculous, given that at most, 2 other tables in the restaurant were occupied and no one was waiting for a table besides us. We wanted to sit down after a long day and have drinks while we waited for our friends, but we couldn't do that until everyone was rounded up and accounted for.
I completely understand this policy at peak hours, when you can't have 2 people taking up a table for 10, but to set the policy in stone at non-peak hours when the restaurant is empty isn't good business. They lost extra drink sales while six of us stood awkwardly at the front door of a nearly empty restaurant waiting for a few minutes. Finally when the 2 lost teammates arrived they relented and gave us a table for 8, which they made sure we knew was "against their usual policy". With a sea of empty tables around us they wouldn't pull over an extra two top until our coworkers who had to deal with an issue at work arrived 20 minutes later - when the restaurant was still cavernously empty.
The food at Bad Daddy's is very good but I'm not a traditional burger fan. On this last visit, I searched for my favorite, the Banh Mi burger (which is a pork burger) only to find it's been taken off the menu. I had a hard time choosing between all of the other options, since they didn't really appeal to me. It's a shame they removed my favorite option. Their menu is somewhat limited.
If other people want to go to Bad Daddy's, I'll go with them, but after this last visit, I see no reason to initiate going there myself.