| - Have you ever heard the statement "it's in the details"? Well apparently Dominicks hasn't. At least when it comes to some drinks. Don't get me wrong, I love the food. My gripe is about the drinks. When I order a good glass of scotch, paying $25 for a measured pour, knowing that a bottle would cost me $70 at Total Wine, I absolutely have no problem with that. I'm sure Dominicks has a huge overhead and I'm paying for service and atmosphere, which is always good. My issue is, if I am paying a high price for the scotch, don't give me a crappy cloudy obviously made in house ice ball. Any restaurant of this caliber should have a reputable ice company deliver and provide crystal clear ice balls or large single cubes that I could read my menu through. I'm sure this adds to the bottom line a bit, but when you're paying off the cost of a bottle in as little as 2.5 pours, I'm sure you could swing the expense. If that's too much, charge me for the ice ball, just don't continue to muck up customers high end liqueurs with your junk ice balls. Thanks.
Update : 3/8/18. I made another visit to Dominick's last night and once again ordered a glass of scotch. To my delight, it had a single large crystal clear ice cube instead of the cloudy sphere I had on a previous visit. This is how a high end steakhouse should serve their high end liquor when customers request on the rocks. Thank you. My previous 3 star rating is now a 5. All is right in the universe now at Dominick's. ;-)