| - Saw Baroness last night at Club Red. They were awesome and sounded great at this venue, but there were a couple things I did not like.
First of all, after emptying my pockets, the security guy was suspicious of my e-cigarette mod (which was fine). What wasn't fine is how he got all jumpy when I tried to open it for him. He was unfamiliar and messing with it, which was not cool. He could've broken it! The wooden panel that comes off is held in place by four small but powerful magnets. If opened improperly, it can yank the battery out and drain it. That would really suck for me. Anyway... security needs to calm down a bit with people who are obviously trying to cooperate with the search process.
My second problem is a much bigger one. I cannot prove it, but I am convinced that the liquor at Club Red is watered down. I had 3 strong beers before arriving at the show and decided a Long Island would be the perfect finisher to give me the buzz I was looking for. When the bartender free-poured it, I was mightily impressed. I would say the "liquor" filled 3/4 of the cup before the splash of sour and Coke was added. Walked away, took a sip... hmmm that's odd, with so much liquor in there, why can't I really detect any? I should've been able to feel SOME kind of effect from the drink, right? No, not at all, which was why I ordered a LI in the first place. It's supposed to be a strong drink when not watered down, even if a jigger is used!
So yeah, my advice is to bring a cheap e-cig if you vape and if you have a DD, catch a buzz elsewhere before coming to the show (or get a beer, that's probably safe).