| - Firstly, the staff here seems to change very often. High turnover like this is a sign of poor management.
Secondly, the staff with which I do end up interacting display varying levels of knowledge regarding sports nutrition and supplementation. I myself have studied sports nutrition in both academic settings and on my own. I've seen, right before my eyes, Justin, one of the managers, try to upsell me on an N.O. product (KryptoPump) with L-Arginine. It was amusing to watch him speak with such confidence about something which he knows very little.
Not only is that a terrible choice for an upsell, but it also shows a fundamental lack of intellectual competence regarding sports nutrition.
That's like upselling a protein blend with more whey protein. Why would you do that.
His rationale was that one's body gets used to the KryptoPump but not Arginine--when KryptoPump already has Arginine in it, along with better, more potent NO precursors.
You can't just take boat loads of Arginine. The human body has a negative feedback mechanism that releases the arginase enzyme when it senses too high levels of Arginine.
Moreover, there isn't enough L-Norvaline in KryptoPump to deactivate the arginase enzymes fast enough to prevent this negative feedback loop.
Lastly, this location, and I can assume the other 9 locations that Matt owns continue to sell SCHEDULE III BANNED SUBSTANCES (prohormones and designer steroids); both behind the glass and under the counter. This is not only illegal, but also potentially dangerous to the innocent fitness enthusiasts who frequent this establishment.
On top of the incompetence and illegal activity, they never seem to be able to get my protein shake right. Perhaps because it's a new person making it for the first time, every time.
Someone ought to report this and the other 9 locations to the local DEA.
Below is a pic of one of the SCHEDULE III BANNED SUBSTANCES that this decrepit establishment tried to push on me. Good thing I did my research or I could end up in the hospital!
They also sell banned products by Warrior Labz such as: TVAR, TITAN, SPARTAN, DSTEN. Watch out and be safe, people!