Heard about this place on the Food Network. I love spicy food and couldn't wait to try the "Cry today, Cry tomorrow". I was excited when we were invited to a friend's birthday party tonight. I couldn't wait to try it.
(I love spicy food to the point that I make my own salsa because the store bought stuff isn't hot enough)
When I ordered, the waiter told me that he was Mexican and couldn't even eat it. He told me that I shouldn't order it and try something else. (I guess he said this because I am white ?)
I told him it was ok.
The waiter then asks if I had tried it before. Well, there has to be a first time for everything. Let me try it !
Again, he refused. He said I should just pick something else on the menu and he will bring me a side of the sauce.
No, I want it just like the menu describes it !!!!
At this point everyone else at the table was looking at me because I was delaying the order for the other 16 people in our party.
I finally became irritated that I was being treated like a 3yr old and he was telling me what I can and can't eat. I just ordered a Quesadilla in hopes that he would allow me to order it.
He did bring a side of the sauce which I was left to dip chips in. It was indeed hot, but not as hot as advertised. It had a decent flavor. I ended up taking the Quesadilla apart to get the steak out and dipping it in the sauce.
I left very disappointed that I couldn't order the meal that was on Food Network.
I left very disappointed that I couldn't order the $20.99 meal that was listed on the menu.
I left very disappointed that I couldn't order the single item that made them prominently display the Food Network logo on the outside of their building.
I could have just gone to Taco Bell for a Quesadilla.