Save your money and go elsewhere! Getting ice-cream here is not worth it, and neither is all the hype.
Customer service was just fine, but the ice-cream, well, that wasn't - at all.
We had just gotten out of La Carnita (which its attached to - don't recommend it) and decided to grab dessert after dinner. Heard all the hype about Sweet Jesus for a long time, so we finally decided to check it out. It sucked. Yes - the portions were HUGE, but the ice-cream was awful. I stand by McDonalds McFlurry's as being the superior option (by far!) when it comes to taste and value! I was so unimpressed by the toppings and the actual ice-cream, that I just threw out my ice-cream about 10 minutes later - about 75% of it - because it didn't taste good, and I could no longer talk myself into giving it another try/bite.
If you find/pass by a local Marble Slab Creamery - THAT'S where you want to go! Now THAT is what's considered good ice-cream!