Born of an idea during a 'day-after marriage proposal' exquisite Chocolate tasting in New York ( read the whole story on their website), Lilly offers high quality handmade chocolate & pair them with Ale & Wine.
Lilly's chocolate is meant to be consumed for their exquisite taste not for volume ( pricy pieces ). Each on-site hand made beauties are a delight to the eyes and delicious to the taste buds. Each piece is decorated with ornate designs with great care. The first bite proves how much they cherish their creations. This is a perfect dinner date stop by. On weekends they even have tastings ( 4 sets of chocolate with eithe wine or Ale). I could not resist the maple Ale. I can guarantee that you will not be able to walk away without a box of 6 or 9 or 12.
The staff are very knowledgable and engage with every customer. They are greatly patient and accommodating. They take pride in what they have to offer and it definitely shows. Lilly's has a great thing going I am already a repeat customer and I will do whatever it takes to provide my support for their longevity.