| - This place is ghetto as fuck!!!
Every time I go here (literally every time), someone is getting arrested in the parking lot out front for shoplifting. Now, I know it's not the store's fault that it's located in a shitty part of town, but...they should at least TRY a little to clean up their act!
Why? I'll tell you why!!
Right this very moment, downtown Vegas is in the midst of an urban-core revitalization, which has brought hundreds of earnest young hipster-types to live in the area surrounding this store. We're young, hungry and flush with cash -- but we ain't spending any of our hard-earned Bitcoin here, I can tell you that!
My people and I are constantly bitching about the fact that there's "no" grocery store in downtown Las Vegas -- conveniently choosing to omit/forget this sad little relic. If you would only pander to us a bit -- by cleaning out the bums, hiring some parking-lot security, and stocking some craft IPAs and Ezekiel Bread -- we'd gladly become your most loyal customers!
Did I mention we are flush with cash?? There are countless tech-startup whizkids among our ranks -- and don't even get me started on the legions of Zappholes! Why, if you started stocking organic llama chow, even Tony Hsieh himself might deign to patronize your establishment!!!!
OK, so I'll admit we're also fucking lazy: we want an ArtisanalOrganicLocavoreSustainableFairTradeMart, we want it around the corner, and we want it NOW!!!! And we're just gonna sit here bitching and moaning, hypocritically super-sizing our carbon footprints by driving crosstown to Whole Foods, Sprouts and Trader Joe's to buy our kale chips and gluten-free tampons...
...instead of going into your store and TALKING to the manager like grown-ass adults, expressing our concerns & desires and working out a solution whereby we as a community volunteer to clean up the parking lot, and agree to regularly patronize the store so as to justify your stocking of our foodie wishlist.
Hell, no! It's MUCH easier to just bitch about it, and purchase carbon offsets for our Whole Foods back-and-forthing.