| - I used to love coming to Hancock for fabric, but stopped because the selection changed and I couldn't find any fabric that I liked unless I had it special ordered. I stopped in today to check out their fabrics to see if they had any neat holiday patterns or kits and also I needed to pick up some craft glue to finish up some Christmas gifts I'm making. When I walked in there was 2 older woman and they saw me yet didn't greet me or even say hello. After looking around a bit at the fabric and seeing that it all looked dated, I walked up to another lady I noticed and asked her if they sold craft glue and she directed me to it and asked if I needed any help finding anything else. Hancock is smaller than Hobby Lobby or Michael's, so the selection and brands are limited. The craft glue was actually the same price as it would be at the other mentioned stores, but I also could have used a 40 percent off coupon at those other said places, making the craft glue more expensive here if I were to come here to get it each time unless Hancock offered the same coupon that could be used daily and that I could just pull up on my phone like I can at the other places. I did sign up for some sort of rewards card, so if they send deals worthy enough, I'll stop by no problem. The fabric today was on sale 40-50 percent and that's good, but the selection was terrible. The quality of the fabric at Walmart (if you can even find it anymore because they have taken a lot of their fabric isles down) is very poor, so it's nice to have a place like Hancock that has good quality fabric, but it has to be on sale to be worth it and they need more patterns that aren't so dated. I can see stopping by here in a pinch, but will stick to getting my regular crafting supplies at Hobby Lobby and Michael's where the selection and deals are better.