| - This mall's literally a carousel. It's a big circle, like running laps in a relay race in high school. There's sections of the mall they recall as neighbourhoods. And each neighbourhood has a different feel...hard to explain but it feels like you're transitioning from City, Rural, Nature, Fashion, Lakes etc the further you walk deeper into the rabbits hole. It's original, don't get me wrong, but the last thing I need is to get lost in a neighbourhood I don't know too well, and have to walk ALL THE WAY AROUND to get to my destination.
Because the mall's located dead in between residential areas, there's catholic, public and private school kids always loitering at the mall. So expect to get hit on (if you're a girl) and get cut-eyes if you're a stud. Since Vaughan is a growing area, there's gonna be a lot of parents with children. So, it's an asset for you know how to dodge and maneuver away from red firetrucks, driven by kids-who-think-they-know-how-to-drive.
All in all, I've seen better, but if you're around in there area and you're willing to do a brisk stroll, Vaughan has its arms wide open for you. Cheers