Neat find in the heart of Uptown Charlotte.
I have been here twice, and still loved the neat find each and everytime.
Place - So it is your contemporary art museum. The place its big, but the exhibit is small enough where you can browse around in less than a day and not feel so exhausted like the Smithsonian.
Price - Admission was less than $10 for adult admission, $8 for college students with ID.
Perks -
1st - Came here once with the hubby to do some sightseeing around town, and liked the feel of the place. Was extra excited when we were told that the paid admission would get us to the other location (off Randolph) that to me, focuses on fashion at different time periods.
2nd - Came here the second time for an event that opened up to all the floors and we were able to browse through each of the floors again, while eating and drinking in the designated area. Loved how the Mint allowed fuctions to be held here. it was a great use of space and gave guests to freely roam about.