I went here almost every Thursday for 10 cent wing night. 10 cents! And they have Taco Tuesdays or something where each taco is 25 cents. It's ridiculously cheap and the drinks are relatively cheap as well. Cheap cheap cheap.
What I like about this place is how the owners frankly don't care about anything. Nothing tips their hat to the Jimmy Buffet tune or vibe except for a parrot high up in the corner of the bar and the often-broken margarita machines at the back of the bar. Everything is as grey and brown as the Pittsburgh winter. A chopper rider and his lady love are always smoking and cackling their nicotine laughter when I walk in, and if you come in before 8, the crabby bartender awaits you. Good memories.
Another perk is the convenience to the Birmingham bridge and I also seem to find parking nearby, which is always nice.
(*I don't understand how there are pictures for not-yet-reviewed restaurants. So mysterious...)