This Goodwill is my favorite. It is nicely organized and the staff is pleasant. The new discounts of 20% off for VIP is nice, however, as a senior with very limited income I was able to shop weekly and recieve my 50% senior discount on most items before this change. I went shopping today and sadly could only purchase a few items. All of the customers I visited with felt the same way. I overheard an employee explaining that new management changed the discounts saying that too many people bought at the Goodwill and then resold them to make a profit. As long as there are sales what does it matter? I know some items are bought by the Goodwill stores but donations from the community seem to be going strong...all donation sites near me are super busy almost every day. The stores are fully stocked so I guess the bottom line is money...sadly your senior citizens will no longer be able to buy that much, especially clothes and household items. Now the sales on new merchandise will probably go to retail stores like Target and Kohl's as they offer great sales and a refund when needed. Too bad, I will miss shopping on senior discount Wednesday.