| - I was introduced to Community Tire Pros and Auto Repair via a flyer in my mailbox not too long ago, when I badly needed new tires for my vehicle. I had just begun a new job requiring a lot of driving, and my old tires were beginning to (literally) fall apart. I did not have much money to spend, and upon talking with Howard on the phone was graciously guided toward a very reasonable and reliable set I could afford. I was blown away instantly by his excellent customer service and attention to my needs and limitations, as well as sincere empathy for me being in a tough financial spot.
The morning I arrived for my tire service, I could not believe I was stepping into an automotive repair business. The interior of the showroom is modern and meticulously clean and well organized, as well as spacious and inviting. There are personal and family touches on the walls, and makes one feel instantly as though they are stepping into someone's home and not just a business. The waiting room is also something else entirely, especially when compared to any other automotive business I have ever been in. Very comfortable and relaxing chairs and a couch wait to greet anyone who is staying on the premises for their maintenance. A very large flat screen television adorns the wall space. And on both sides of it exist a few more personalized touches of home and comfort. This includes the coffee bar which has premium roast coffee and even flavor shots, as well as cookies and filtered water. Opposite that is a shelf with children's books--a really neat family friendly touch absent in most service businesses in general, and even a set of retractable and stackable stools/tables for the little ones to read and play on/at.
Well, I got my tires that day and was very happy in so many ways. Yes, the tires were a huge upgrade versus the set that was on the car to begin with, and yes, the work performed was done so professionally and properly...but what I really enjoyed was feeling like I was welcome for more than just my financial transaction. Rather, I truly felt like an extended family member, and like I was welcome back anytime.
That anytime came a few weeks later, when I wanted to do the nitrogen upgrade for my tires. I am traveling so much for my work, that the nitrogen makes sense to both prevent tire wear and also increase my gas mileage. Now I must first say that I have researched nitrogen filling before, and know that some dealerships can charge up to $400 dollars for four tires (spare not included), and that it seemed to be too far out of my price range to be a reality. Well, I called and spoke with Lorenzo over the phone, who also (and just like Howard) provided me with exceedingly excellent and sincere, empathetic customer service... and told me that Community Tire and Auto charges a bit less than 1/10 of that amount to perform the same service--and that includes the spare tire also!
My financial situation, due to just beginning my new job, was still a bit tight, but Lorenzo offered to assist me with the nitrogen filling and made me a deal I could not refuse... so I didn't. I was (again) blown away by not only the customer service I received from everyone at the shop, but also that they all cared about me and my vehicle on a personal and not just professional level. Its always nice when a business treats the customer right, but it is entirely too rare a treat when a person treats another person as such for and on the most fundamental human levels and reasonings. That is how I feel about Howard, Lorenzo and Community Tire and Auto, and that is why I wanted to write this and share my experience with the world at large.
I know there are many other Tire and Auto businesses out there, and that many of those treat their customers very well... but I also know (and from personal experience of owning vehicles for over 20 years now) that I have NEVER had an automotive business treat me like family sight unseen, give me such an excellent product and process alike, and require in return such a fair compensation so as to make me feel almost guilty for being treated so well.
I hope that Howard, Lorenzo and everyone else at Community Tire Pro's and Auto Repair enjoy nothing but happiness and success both personally and professionally, as well as a long and productive life here in the Metro Center area. I also hope any Yelper reading this will give them your time and your business--you will not be disappointed if you do, and just might make a friend or two in the process. I have, and my car (and life) is a much better and brighter place for knowing Howard, Lorenzo and the entire Community Tire and Auto Pro family... of which I feel an integral part of so as to feel the need to share and write this:-).