This rescue shelter looked great when we visited it (clean and not too crowded), however be warned that they do not have the best interest of the dogs at heart when placing them into homes. We were allowed to adopt a dog and were NOT told she had a medical issue (we were told she just walked funny but was not an issue). A few days after adopting her she couldn't walk on her back legs and would yelp when sitting on them wrong. I took her to our vet who informed me that she would need pain pills for life or surgery to fix it and that regardless of having the surgery or not she needed to be in a home that was not active so as not to have her leg issues flare up. Well, this is impossible to do in my household with two young kids and stairs when this sweet little dog just wants to follow us around everywhere (even with her hurt legs!). It wasn't a good fit from the beginning which the shelter already knew about but didn't bother to tell us! We were heartbroken to take her back to the shelter and I explained these issues to them, the person I spoke to even agreed with me and admitted that they had this issue noted in her file but we were not informed of it.... and then they posted her back on their site with the same description as before and NO MENTION of her medical issue and NO MENTION that even though she is AMAZING with kids and dogs that she really shouldn't be in a home that is active like that!! The worst part is that my family is heartbroken that we don't have this wonderful dog with us anymore that we loved since the first day we brought her home. And yes, now we have a "credit" to get another dog with them but why would we risk it? It's clear to me after they put the bio back up and didn't mention anything about what we had talked about that they CLEARLY do not care about the home the dogs go to and making sure it is a good fit for everyone involved. And I can't bear the thought of adopting a dog from them only to figure out ourselves a few days later that our household isn't a good fit for the dog! They really need to take a look at their volunteers/employees and do some training on how to make sure dogs go to the right homes. And on top of that, they need to post HONEST descriptions of their dogs and INFORM potential adopters of the REAL issues that each dog has. And from other reviews, I can see I am not alone in feeling this way. I'd definitely steer clear of this place even if you find a description of a dog from them that seems cannot trust them.