So I was kicked out a few months ago cause I bitch slapped the bouncer. Lol. Place can be fun but they do play favorites and I was asked to leave for no reason, when I asked why I needed to leave I was told "that doesn't matter and you and your buddy need to go now" so no reason. When we were pushed outside he had told the other bouncer that these are the two guys n he said "yea you two need to leave" n I said "well plz give me a reason why we are being kicked out or I'm going to give you a reason to kick us out". That's when I bitch slapped the fat loser. He couldn't get his hands on me so he decided to tackle my buddy who was just standing there n took his tantrum out on him. Today I find out that the story he goes around telling is that I punched a special needs person. In his words "a retard" that was drinking at the bar. Lol. Boy it was you that got slapped n now your bitter cause you are literally not FIT to handle A BOUNCING JOB. And you pull out a Russian baton on us because you have no speed or skill to handle a costomer who puts you in your place. You sir are no bouncer, just a fat kid with an attitude. Once again the place can be fun if you like dive bars, but if you are not a regular or a friend of a bouncer you will be kicked out for no reason.