| - Fourth or Fifth time I've dined in and frankly, they should have just started their business as a takeout pizza place because that's what they do best.
As with the last visit, I asked for Coke and was offered Pepsi. "Coke Products" are still listed on the menu, and a big Coke neon sign in the front window. If I were a Coke rep I'd be pretty ticked off, it's the same as bait & switch if you ask me. You're more or less advertising that you serve a major brand product and then you offer the mirror opposite brand. My offer still stands if y'all want to sell me that coke sign, it's really nice and a shame it's not being used accurately!
For the food: I got the Lasagne and it was good but not very memorable. Pasta was cooked fine and everything was served hot but it was really missing something to make it special. Just seemed like I could have gotten that Lasagne anywhere. Fried Artichoke Appetizer was surprisingly better than the entree tonight.
Service was... just OK. The waiter was very young and didn't seem like much of a crowd-pleaser. For someone grinding away he did pretty good, kept the drinks full, and was respectful. My biggest concern was with who I assume is the manager. She came to our table to tell us my girlfriend's stuffed shells were sold out and asked if she would like something else. No apology was given and we were already eating our starters and she didn't bother asking how everything was. About 10 minutes later, I heard her ask the table next to us how their food was and complimented a diner's hat (or clothes or something similar... I just heard "Oh I like your..."). Take service for what you will, it's a pizza place.
Here's the real kicker and I didn't notice this on the menu until tonight. They charge a $2.95 SHARING FEE if you come in as a couple and split an entree! I asked my waiter about this charge before we ordered and he said they had to do that to alleviate "People who come in and only order one entree." I've got news for you, people who want to split an entree are being economical, charging a fee for splitting an entree is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of! I asked the waiter if he has ever seen that anywhere else and he (probably very smart of him to) deflected an answer. I don't blame him for not answering, management that charges a absurd FEE probably wouldn't take it well that their staff openly disagrees with it (no doubt a customer that feels the same way about this may change their tip as well, effecting the wait staff). Charge what you think your food is worth, if you can't make margin based off that then you need to re-evaluate the quality of your product as well as your rapport with your customers.
As for me, I likely won't be back unless dragged here by family or friends.