I am usually a chain hater, but there is nothing to hate and everything to love about Paradise Bakery.
The salads are awesome, the sandwiches (Turkey Cranberry - woop woop!, Chicken Salad & Tuna) are awesome, and the cookies...the cookies, the cookies, the cookies!
The cookies are so good that it's not really fair to other bakeries. In order of preference:
- Oatmeal Raisin (which I never get from anywhere else but these are FIRE)
- Snickerdoodle (best snickerdoodle in the world - this cookie is perfect)
- Chocolate Chip Cookie (a classic, comes with all sandwiches)
- Sugar Cookie, Ginger Molasses, Peanut Butter, Lemon Zest
PB makes places like Panera Bread put their head in their hands and cry like little restaurant chain babies