| - Where oh where to start? I guess with the positive. That is my wife and I own a restaurant close by and the convenience of this is the ONLY reason that I will step foot in it any more.
Safeway management you need to get your act together and either close this store or bring in a new, professional team, one that knows how to put the customer first. Now to the longstanding issues:
1. Since Sprouts moved in across the road Safeway management seems to have completely abandoned this store.
2. It seems to have been always understaffed but the store management up until late 2016 seemed to be doing their best. Since then a string of management changes has only cause the death spiral to accelerate.
3. Employee moral seems to be at a record low but there are still a few smiling faces. Debbie and Debbie always great you with a smile and Russell does his best to resolve issues.
4. When I need something I normally need to be in and out of the store fast - that is a practical impossibility. Rarely do they have the express lane open. This morning for example I needed two gallons of milk, that is all. I picked them up and headed to the front of the store. One lane open with 6 people in line with several with full carts. Eventually another teller came over and attended those of us in the back of the line. Then miraculously as the two open lanes thinned out another teller showed up in the express lane but then did not have any customer to serve. Typical.
5. Prices - produce prices are by and large much higher than Sprouts.
6. Selection - very poor.
7. Maintenance - floors are pealing and patched with ductape, sharp edges are protruding (for months) from several of the coolers causing a potential injury hazard, etc.
8. Given the loss of the excellent bakery manager, most of the shelves of the "fresh baked" items are scarce on a Sunday morning. As an example the items that I purchased this morning had been made on the 30th (I should have checked the date) and instead of "crispy" were soggy.
9. Now what is totally unacceptable (the blame lays squarely on the shoulders of the current management) was what happened in believe on Saturday the 22 of July. After a long day at our restaurant I walked over (about 9:30pm) to Safeway to pick up some smoked salmon and two other items prior to heading home. I picked up my items and headed to the front. When I got there there was only one teller working. She had a full line (most of which had full baskets). As I walked up I asked one of the other ladies if they could open another line. She said yes and pointed me to the next isle over. I headed over and another man followed me (he had approached the other line shortly after I had). As I put my salmon on the conveyer the teller walked up. I greeted him with "hi Phil" (since I am a very regular customer and like to call them all by their name). To which I received the reply "I AM NOT HERE FOR YOU, I AM HERE FOR HIM!" with Phil pointing to the man behind me. Shocked, I left the line and joined the long line in the other isle. I was so taken aback that I forgot my salmon (and Phil did not even show the courtesy of passing it over to me or telling me that I had left it on his conveyor, so I went to the back of the store and picked up another packet). When it was my turn with the teller asked asked her to get me the manager ASAP. After finishing my checkout and waiting for about 10 minutes the manager came over. I asked her to step away from the teller area because I wanted to have a private conversation with her. So we headed to the area between produce and floral. As I stated to tell her what had transpired Phil came up behind me and joined our conversation. I said that I had not asked to speak with him but he stayed there anyway. As I addressed his conduct he started rolling his eyes at me and waiving his hands. I told the manager that this was unacceptable, that he should not be there and they they should look at the cameras and see what had transpired. I also asked that the GM give me a call. I went back on Tuesday morning and asked for the manager. He was not there but I was promised a call. I waited all about noon and called the store for the manager. Was told that he was in a meeting but would call me back shortly. That did not happen. Late that afternoon, I called again and finally spoke with him. No apology, nothing.
I hope that somehow, someone at Safeway (who cares about customer service, the future of this particular store and has just a little bit of clout) reads this review and actually does something to improve this location. I like the convenience of having them next-door.