We have been going to Fraser MacDonald for many years and we have had no problems until recently. We had problems with the new vet who recently started working at the clinic. We have two cats, a boy and a girl, two different breeds and one year apart (he is 1.5 and she is 6 months) and two weeks after they both got shots we noticed huge lumps in both in the exact spot the shots were given. We were told that we should operate immediately to determine if the lumps are sarcomas. The chances of a cat developing this tumour from the rabbis vaccine are between 1in 1000 and 1in 10000. What are the changes that this would happen to both our cats?!?!?! We went for a second opinion and we were told that it's most likely a granulom (not cancerous) causes by the vaccine used (adjuvents in the vaccine) and the way the shot was administered. The previous year we had no problems with the boy so we asked what changed. Apparently the vaccine used was stronger (don't understand why when both are indoor cats).