| - I, too, lived in the San Francisco Bay Area for many years, as a previous reviewer. To compare ANY Chinese restaurant outside of SF's Chinatown or any longtime ethnic neighborhood is unfair. Those restaurants are run by the descendants of the Chinese who built the railroads for rich San Francisco industrialists. They were much like the African slaves in the South - cheap labor who were treated as chattel. Many SF restaurants are run by people who still don't speak English, often presenting menus in Chinese. Why? Because their clientele is mainly Chinese wanting authentic dishes. That point made, I've lived all over this country, from DC to SF, from LA to the ATL. I was very disappointed when I moved to this backwards state 4 years ago. I couldn't find decent soul food or Chinese food ANYWHERE in this tumbleweed city. I had lived within walking distance of J Chen for 2 years without even considering it an option. However, out of sheer desperation one day, I went to J Chen with several friends just to get some simple fried rice for myself. Well, my companions ordered different items as often done in Chinese restaurants. I sampled several foods and was very impressed by the freshness. Authentic Schezwan, Hunan or Manderin, as in San Francisco? No, because our tastes aren't ready for the spicy and super hot food. Most Americans are used to Cantonese or a mixture of north and south Chinese dishes, more suited to unsophisticated palates. J Chen serves these flavors up excellently. I have not eaten at another Phoenix Chinese restaurant since. My friends and family drive miles from all over the area to eat at J Chen. The owners remember their frequent customers and the dishes we prefer. In today's world with its total lack of good customer service, that treatment alone is worth the price of a ticket!!!