| - Don't let the pretty decor fool you. This place is mediocre compared to the other station buffets I've been too. First thing that I took notice of is the common sense of the staff people. have. The hostess seated us all the way in the back near the wall, but to get there I had to squeeze through other people's chairs with my baby's stroller, ram people in the foot, apologize and manuver through tables. All that and there were open tables up front? Stoopid! Secondly, some of the other restaurant patrons here are rude. They stare you down as you obtain your food or hover right behind you...gross. Next we have the eggs benedict setup, one of my favs! But wait, they've already topped it with the hollaindaise sauce? Yuck, so I get a mushy eggs benedict. When I returned to my table, I found an OJ waiting for me, which was great considering I had a plate full of food that would need to be washed down. Took a sip and blargh! It wasn't just sour, but it tasted nothing like OJ! It was like they mixed it with a secret ingredient that I couldn't even place...All in all, don't think I'd come back here, unless I had no choice.