Liquidation,not sure it's the correct title for this store. Maybe it was 6 years ago. Be careful when buying.some prices are just ridiculous.the small bags of cat food,the Iams,bags torn or dirty are the same price as Safeway. The k cups are cheaper else where. Cereal boxes which are disgustingly damage are more expensive then the sell we have been getting at co op ect The Costco items are only about 20 percent cheaper and sometimes the same prices. The light fixtures are cheaper at Rona. The place is dirty,dusty.make sure you know your prices. Even the bottles of Vim are cheaper at the dollar store. And because of all the sells on coats and boots they are cheaper everywhere else.
One other opinion,the sales clerk is not very friendly.
Just a heads up. On this the last 12 times,it's been the same,I walk out empty handed.t they haven't redeemed themselves.
It's too bad.