| - Like most of the reviews, the Southern Highlands area really needed a good Japanese restaurant as the area is pretty barren for choice. Luckily Ohjah opened up in the discreet and empty strip mall across from Albertsons. The first thing I noticed while entering the place with my wife was the Chinese conversation going on between the hostess and a chef. Being from Hong Kong, it was a bit of a downer considering we were aching for some quality Japanese food, and seeing the place was ran by Chinese, our expectations immediately dropped.
The decor inside is very nice, the lighting is very good, and the staff very polite. We ordered two lunch sets, the steak teriyaki for myself, and the wife had a steak stir fry. The waitress tried selling us sushi ( she counted six times throughout our lunch), which seemed ok if we were the least bit interested. The salad was cold to the point of almost too cold to eat, they need to keep it out of the fridge before serving, but the dressing was decent and could have been worse. The miso soup is mundane, which probably came in packages you could get at Albertsons or Whole Foods. The steak teriyaki and stir fry were pretty good, although the tray they brought the food out with smelled of bleach... Yeah
All in all, it's a decent place. We just had too high of expectations, thinking a nice Japanese family was setting up shop, only to see frozen to fryer type food. The real biter is the price, which makes sure we won't be visiting again.
I want to love this place, because it's so close and it's Japanese, however I can't. I would say to try it though, it's something different in the Highlands area, and it's at least worth a shot.