The charm of an old diner - something you don't get much of here las vegas with most of our restaurants consisting of multi-million dollar celebrity chef build outs or some corporate conglomerate. So an independent is great to have. Service is always friendly and your coffee never runs empty. They also figured out the simplistic nature of food and beverage - cold food served on cold plates, hot food on hot plates and its all served with a smile. Most restaurants can't figure that basic part out...
So on with the food - OH is the best independent free standing breakfast in the valley. If you want a more refined breakfast, spend a bunch of time parking, walking through a casino, spending 5 times more, and dealing with a las vegas strip-union-pompous attitude server - read my other reviews. But OH breakfast is very good - from there fresh breads, to their omelets, pancakes and my newest favorite - Lobster Benedict. This Benedict comes with a good 4-5 ounces of lobster and its under $10! Absolutely delicious and I'm not sure if I will ever order anything else on their menu. I can't wait to go back and to eat it again.