| - Kokopelli's has a had a makeover. No way, you say?! Get out?! Yes, way, my friend. Someone nudged them and said, Hey, Long John Silver's wants its' 1980's awful pine colored tables and matching hideous captain chairs, back! Now, it is luscious faux leather banquettes and chic tables for everyone!!! New paint all around and the place looks fabulous! Now, that I look great in this environment, what should I eat?
The food is tasty. The wine, is.... hey, it is wine from Arizona, figure it out! They have a nice, no not Tattinger's good champagne, but all the same tasty Kir Royale for $15. Come on, sparkling local for $15. I bought 3, they handpainted them as New Years Eve's gifts and I was pleased. The happy hour is fantastic, as in $5 for everything!
So, the highpoints, the food is local and well done, they are always short on staff, so just deal and the wine is local! Enjoy yourself.