| - I feel like PX (can we please make "PX" cool?) gets a bad rap because it's "not authentic," but the only thing authentic about it is that authentic Chinese people never eat it. I'm sure I am not alone when I admit I have no idea who the hell General Tso is and isn't "sweetfire" really more like an oxymoron?
My work recently had a quarterly luncheon catered by PX (really trying to make this happen here) and everything about the process was a breeze - we were able to order ahead of time, designate a point of contact at the location, show up, pick up, and head back to the office in the nick of time. The girl working the cash register was like a one-woman show, manning orders for here whilst coordinating orders to go, but still had us leaving with ours in tact. Except no chopsticks - this left a lot of my Caucasian coworkers severely more disgruntled than I expected.
Just to be clear, oversaucing anything deep fried is not the formula for authentic Chinese food, but my team seemed to enjoy it and let's face it, Americanized Chinese food is like any other junk or fast food! It's quick, easy, and lasts a moment on your lips and forever on your hips. Xie xie.