Lyft has transported me on two special occasions now and I have to acknowledge the quality of the safe rides and the personable drivers I've gotten to meet. This goes for drivers here in LV and in Reno-Sparks.
I've been advised to download the competitor's app so I'm able to compare pricing and availability. I'm a stubborn tiger so once I'm satisfied with something, I won't change unless there's a definite reason to dismiss it.
The patience of these drivers has got to be high tolerance. I'm not saying cuz of me - I'm not a loud obnoxious passenger. I mean especially for the traffic hassles that they choose to drive in for us. We need them at times like New Year's or holiday travels, right. They choose to be there for us in those hectic occasions.
So my purpose of this review on top of the app ratings I've given, is to send appreciation to Lyft and their service and especially the drivers they've passed to have drive for them. High tens!!