For starters I like most people am not a fan of going to the dentist. But sometimes you have to take care of business. I was referred to Endodontic Specialists by Dr. Robert Feeley of Downtown Dental Centre for a root canal. I simply can't recommend Dr. Glen Partnoy highly enough. He was very professional, straight and to the point. He explained the diagnosis thoroughly in terms I could understand and prepared me for the procedure. All in all it took less than an hour. Dr. Partnoy prescribed me pain meds but honestly I have felt no post-op discomfort of any kind. At then end of the day my insurer Manulife only designated eligible $934 out of $1355 for the root canal fee. They only pay the prevailing rate for a dentist to perform root canals as opposed to a specialist. For me I will be going to Endodontic Specialists everytime--it's worth it!