| - I am writing this review because I was DENIED the ability to even get an estimate. I own my home, and because I am disabled, it has become very difficult for me to keep up with maintaining the house. I had to make the choice to sell my home. In order to be able to sell my house, I needed to make improvements, one being to possibly replace my flooring.
I called Express Flooring to get an estimate for my four bedroom house. The phone rep, Corey asked when my husband and I could both be available. I explained that my husband worked a job that continually called him out of town, AND my husband wouldn't want to be present for this anyways. I also explained that I made the major decisions regarding my house, that my husband wants no part of it. Corey told me very bluntly that he would not schedule an appointment for an estimate unless my husband was there. I again explained that my husband had no desire to be involved in any type of meeting regarding MY house, that his schedule was inconsistent and hours very long, AND that I was the one that made the primary decisions regarding my house. Corey again refused to schedule an appointment for me. He said that the company could not help me unless my husband was involved in the decision. I told Corey that I was very insulted, that I made the decisions, and that should I decide to move forward from the estimate, I would have my Husband drive to their office and introduce himself with ID, and sign documents IF NEEDED. My husband DOES NOT like to be involved in household decisions that takes up his personal time, after he has been working such extensive hours. Corey once again stated, " if your husband is not there, I can't help you". I asked to speak to a supervisor, which was when he transferred me to Victor.
Once again, I explained to Victor that I owned the house, my husband worked extensive hours, and that he had no desire to spend his spare time sitting in an appointment; I was the primary decision maker, and besides, the house is mine, that I owned the house for 10 years prior to my husband entering my life. Victor became very pushy, insisting that They WOULD NOT schedule an appointment with me unless my Husband was present. I once again, explained that my husband worked extensive and unpredictable hours, and as a matter of fact, he was called to Gila Bend that day. I told Victor that I felt insulted, and I felt as if I was being discriminated against; if my husband wanted no part of this process, I should be allowed to proceed without him.
Victor asked, "Is he paying?" I said, excuse me?" Victor said, " Is your husband paying for the flooring?" I stated, "I have no idea. He may or may not help. That is something that I can't determine until I got an estimate." I suggested that certainly they could send someone out to my house, perform the estimate, and if I didbn't have the cash in MY bank ( I also explained we had separate bank accounts), I might want to obtain financing, and If that were the case, my husband would personally drive anywhere to meet any and all associates to show ID, and sign all documents. By this time, Victor had become very condescending, telling me the man had to be present, that Victor knew the company inside and out, and that the company was doing ME a favor by offering to come out and give me a "free" estimate. He also stressed that they didn't want to "waste" the cost of the $75, if I chose not to hire them.
I'm not sure why I continued to try to convince Corey and Victor that this was a very chauvinistic and discriminating policy. Maybe I couldn't believe it, and needed to hear it one more time. The idea that I wasn't ALLOWED to schedule a "free" estimate because the man of the house would not/could not be there, that I WASN'T allowed to even be given the opportunity to make a decision on MY house without my husband, the fact that I offered to have my husband go to office if I hired Discount Flooring wasn't good enough. Corey AND Victor both told me I would be wasting their time, that I wasn't allowed to make a decision without my husband. That it would be a waste of $75 of free estimate if I chose not to hire the company. I asked Victor straight out," are you telling me that if I don't force my husband to take part of this, that you don't want my business? That you would disregard a paying client, and tell me to go somewhere else?" He stated," That's exactly what I'm saying". I then asked Victor, "Did it ever occur to you that the wasted $75 on me might be negligible, because accommodating my needs might be more important??" Victor asked, "Will YOU pay the $75 estimate fee?" Well Victor, I might have, had you not treated me like I belonged barefoot and pregnant, and that I couldn't make a decision without asking my husband's permission.