My girlfriend lives nearby and tonight while hanging out at her apartment we decided we were both in the mood for a little wine. Now, we had my bottle of Pinot Grigio, but wanted something sweeter for her so she grabbed her wallet and we nonchalantly strolled over.
The store seemed nice and their wine selection was pretty good-sized for a smaller store. After 3 or 4 minutes, we picked out a nice Rose Moscato and headed on over to the register. GF showed her ID and started getting out her credit card to pay - pause - "Sir, I'm going need to see your ID also or else I can't sell anything to you tonight." Darrrrrnit. My ID was in my car and my keys were up in GF's apartment. No wine tonight. Nice place, but I didn't know the "ID everyone that you see the purchaser hanging out with" thing was actually a policy.
She drank alcohol from another source tonight.
P.S. I am 24. She turns 22 soon.