| - I visited Valley ENT, Dr. James Chuang.
Positive: Office is clean and new, wait time was reasonable, got in to see the Audiologist for me hearing test. She was very knowledgeable and up to that point everything was fine.
I meet Dr. Chuang, and he seems to be a sharp Physician with excellent knowledge of Tinnitus, which I suffer from. We begin talking about solutions, and he offers to have me visit their hearing aid in-house service, even though I am "borderline" for the hearing aid. Mentions it no less than three times - which i finally said "no," I don't want to go that far just yet. I show medical records of my treatment from my past, we agreed to prescribe Xanax for now and the follow up in 6 months.
I verify with Virginia, the MA that appointments are scheduled and medicines sent to my pharmacy. Everything is GREAT!
Get to my pharmacy, no record of any call-ins. Next day, call to inquire - Doctor changed from Xanax to an OTC medicine, which we specifically discussed I had tried and didn't work. On the phone, Doctor makes a THIRD change from OTC to Klonopin, which I've also used to little / no effect. Dr. Chuang tells me through Virginia (MA) that Dr. Chuang is "sorry for the confusion," but he won't prescribe XANAX. I tell her I need to move on then, thanks for your service - and Virginia goes to talk to Dr. Chuang, coming back in 5 minutes saying "we can't do that." I cancel all other appointments with them, receive another call 5 minutes later that they wouldn't give me anything (because I canceled all the other services but still requested the Doctor do something short-term to help me.)
So I ended up with a $135.00 hearing test, and I still have to find a Doctor that can help me. Unbelievably disappointing that Dr. Chuang would agree on the plan, fail to follow though or contact me why he had changed his mind, and instead try to sell me on expensive hearing aids instead of what worked for me. Revoking the prescription for Klonopin at the end was simply throwing salt on the wound, and frankly childish.