I was referred by a friend and have had nothing but trouble with this office. In November I found out I was pregnant and was having issues before my first appt; I had an emergency and had to get in right away and ended up seeing another doc. I won't give names, but that doctor basically beat around the bush to tell me I was miscarrying instead of telling me flat out. My husband literally played 20 questions with that doc to get a simple answer. It was ridiculous. Also in Novemeber I had the office call me on two different ocassions to reschedule because they made a "scheduling error". As far as I'm concerned thats something they should fix since people take time off to make appts in the first place. Fast forward to today, another emergncy appt and I just got a phone call from them that they canceled my appt. I am so furious with the way that they run this office. Try and make your schedule work, don't cancel people. I'm livid and would not return here if you paid me to!