ZERO STARS!!! WORST COMPANY. HORRIBLE MANAGEMENT. They did the clean up which costs $275, it was nice work. The crew was attentive to detail, that was in January. DOWNHILL FROM THERE! Unfortunately, 8 employees quit due to issues with management about 2 months ago. That's when everything changed. The new crew barely cleaned up. I was constantly having to point out stuff they had missed. They even stated to me at one point when I pointed out weeds that they don't pull weeds. What? I called the office to complain and they said it would be taken care of. But, then things got worse. Their crew chief Chucky, was so rude. I mentioned to him again they needed to take care of weeds and he gave me such an attitude. I finally had to call Alex out to show him the problem. He said he talked to the crew chief and he was having personal problems. I'm a empathetic person but what does that have to do with it? I complained they were smoking in my front yard, weren't cleaning up between bushes and refused to pull weeds. Today was the final straw when one of there guys put his dirty boots in our pool. I kicked them out and called the office to complain. The manager made it seem like it was no big deal. I mentioned to her about the bad reviews on YELP lately and she didn't seem to care. She stated she would talk to the supervisor and call back. I already found another company. Really, no big deal? Good, FIRED! I'll give my money to a company that takes care of their customers! When they finally called back, of course they decided to waive today but no longer wanted to come back. Finally, we agree on something.