| - This is the place to be if you shoot a bow. Especially true if its a recurve you shoot. Everyone here, staff, coaches, staff shooters are extremely helpful and happy to answer any questions you have.
Don't waste time going to the other hunting shops to ask about recurves, they will tell you the wrong answers and put compound parts on your recurves. Its not fun and its always a waste of money. Come here and Rhonda and her team of staff and coaches will do everything for you. From ordering a bow, recommending options, listening to your inputs, to following up with you with updates on expected bow arrivals. When the bow and parts arrive, come in for about 1 and 1/2 hours for them to set it up for you. Every little detail is looked into, alignment of your plunger/sights/arrow rest/nocking point/ draw length.
I have been to several other places to try and get a recurve put together but, its very disheartening when you staff is not as current or not as informed about the types of risers and limbs as yourself. When you come here, you will not have such problems.
Oh, don't get me wrong about this being a recurve place. Far from it, a lot of hunters and a lot of compound shooters come here to get their bows tuned, arrows, accessories. They help compound shooters adjust and tune their bow settings, recommend the right kind of arrows for them, help them figure out why their arrows curve a certain way, set them up with different kinds of compound targets for their practices.
Oh did i mention accessories. They have everything you need....................everything. if they don't have it in stock, u can be sure they can order it for you. I have seen people here with their 4th or 5th bow, and they will talk fondly about their first bow which they had gotten here too. You will see parents with their own bow shooting alongside their kids in the shooting ranges. This is the place to be when you have decided you are going to try out or get into archery/