| - Entrance has changed. Ended up here for the first time in years. Yes the enterance has changed. You now enter on the Sports Fever side. We went in, no cover charge chic, no bouncer at the door, so we went right. It was around 1am so things looked like they were wrapping up for the night. We were approached by a young entrepreneur and I was asked to take a seat along the wall in the back (it was my bachelor party). So I got up from the table and went to the back wall where I was told how to position myself on the couch. This was the definition of a lap-dance as she jumped right up there. As the song and beat played on I was in store for a treat. She managed to drop her top over my shoulder, then began to run her hands all over places (neck, shoulder, thighs...hers and mine). Then all of a sudden she parts the sea and takes her own temperature! I am thinking "Holly Beef-Curtain" as she twiddles her marble right in front of me! I turn to my buddy who is now giving me the thumbs up. The song is over, he is out the $20 fee, and I am saying to myself...I'll bet they don't server alcohol here anymore! I go to the table the rest of my buddies are at, and ask them if the server Booze here, they said no, but they do have $8 Redbulls! I ask our tattooed vixen "Does Jonny still work here", she points towards the door and says "Yes on the other side". Whew, we head on over to the other side and the memories can restarted! I run right into Jonny, he hooks us up with drinks, we shoot the shit, yes it has been about 6 years (he has been there for 12). Hunter, Simmone, and a few others are still there after 13 years! We get some real dances without the "Frequent Finger Foundlings" thank God. I don't want to be anywhere close to that or the little blue not Viagra, the other "V"...Valtrax! We had a good time, sorry to see Speedy Ray the old bartender gone...not. Sorry Ray. Thanks Jonny!