| - Walked in today to browse around, then se something interesting. A laser printer for $50. Looking around there were no associates to help. Walked to one if the registers to ask for assistance and was told the asst mgr would help me as soon as he finished bringing up the furniture. So while waiting for him, I browsed more selections. And after about 5 mins he showed up, asked if I still required help and then stated if I can hold on for a couple more minutes so he could get me a specialist. That threw me for a spin a bit. U would think the asst mgr could help me a bit before just sending me back out to wait. I can see that customer service is not a priority in this establishment. If it was, you would think that I would be assisted somewhat while waiting for the so called specialist. Unfortunately he just walked away.
20 mins later and still no one, the asst mgr came back up to me as I finally walked up to me and asked if I was helped. Nope, no one helped me, not even you. He apologized and then stated sorry, maybe next time. Really, next time, are you serious. Why even bother, if no one knows what's happening in the store, especially the asst mgr.