| - ORIGINAL 2-star review:
I responded to a flyer offering duct cleaning for $6.99/vent. Making an appointment was easy and Michael showed up at my door promptly looking polite and professional.
I have never had this service done before, so I don't have a basis for comparison. So I'll give you the facts first before drawing my conclusions.
After counting 12 ducts, Michael presented me with a work order for $84 + $200 for cleaning the main register. Huh? A rather unexpected surprise, but what the heck. I trusted him and willing to take his word that this is normal.
He attached a vacuum to one aIr duct and left it running for half an hour while he opened the main register and did something - presumably cleaning - I have no way of knowing, but no reason to doubt him. At no time did he move the vacuum to any other of the 11 ducts I had paid for.
Almost immediately, he invited me to climb his ladder into my attic and listen. There was a whirring sound coming from my heater fan and he encouraged me to get it serviced - not surprisingly, he is a heater service man. Then he invited me to follow him outside to examine my a/c unit which had some rust on it and he strongly recommended REPLACING it at a cost of $6,500! My house is 9 years old, but Michael assured me that I would make the cost back in efficiency savings on my electric bill. Of course, he does a/c replacements.
I have to say that after this, my high initial opinion of him plummeted. He left shortly after without cleaning my dryer vent, which was supposed to be done free as part of the service. I have to assume that the vacuum attached to just one vent cleaned ALL the other vents, but I have my doubts. But even so, he did not even wipe the clearly-visible dust and grime from the other 11 vents.
Once doubt crept in, I now wonder if the rattling of my fan was a result of something he did. Dateline did a story not long ago about service companies that create problems just so they can 'fix' them.
As I say, I have no basis for comparison. This may be exactly how an air duct cleaning service is supposed to go. But I will not ever be using this service again
UPDATE 05/28 - The day after my review was posted, David called to fix my issues. He was cooperative and highly motivated to satisfy my needs. He scheduled Michael to come back out again to do a more thorough job.
As a result, I changed my 2-star rating to 4-stars.